Saman Ediriweera

Saman Ediriweera
Born Sri Lanka
Nationality Sri Lankan
Education Nalanda College Colombo
Occupation Engineer
Employer Sri Lanka
Known for former Chairman Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation
Religion Buddhist

Saman Ediriweera was the former Chairman of Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. He was also the former Secretary, Ministry of Tertiary Education.

After receiving his education from Nalanda College Colombo, Saman entered the then Ceylon College of Technology (presently University of Moratuwa) in 1972 and graduated with a B.Sc in Engineering. He is also one of the students of the very first batch of engineering students at Moratuwa University.

He is also held several senior managerial positions such as the former Secretary to the Ministry of posts, Telecommunications & the Media, Director of Telecommunications, Director General of Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation and the Managing Director of Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd.

Saman is also a Charted Engineer and Member of Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka.

General References